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What is Hockey?

Want to learn how to play? You've come to the right place!

Stay a minute and click around the links on the right to learn more about field hockey.  As a total beginner, you are welcome to sign up for any of our training sessions.  We are a very beginner friendly organization.  We will teach you the basics and group you with other newbies!  

You'll need shin guards and a mouth guard - you can borrow a stick until you are sure you have fallen in love with the game.  A new stick will be about a $150 - $300 investment and last you for many years (see our subpage on selecting an appropriate stick).

New to hockey? Here is a little bit about the game:

The game of field hockey is played widely across the world. Field hockey is, in fact, the second largest team sport in the world played in over 100 countries.  In the United States, field hockey is very popular on the East Coast and in California - with popularity growing in the Midwest.  

The origins of the game can be traced back to the earliest civilizations of the world, but the modern game of field hockey was developed in the British Isles. The modern game was started in England in the mid 1800’s and the first formal field hockey club the ‘Blackheath Football and Hockey Club’ was formed in 1861.  

Field Hockey is an eleven aside game played on a field that is 100 yards by 60 yards with a ball about the size of an orange.  Each player has a stick with a rounded head to play the ball with and the objective is to score goals by putting the ball in the opposing team’s goal.  Sticks are anywhere between 28 inches and 39 inches long. Protective equipment for field players includes shin guards and mouth guard (and goggles during the high school season).  Goalkeepers wear full body armor, pads, gloves, kickers and a helmet.

The rules of field hockey are very similar to the rules of soccer except that players must use their sticks instead of their feet to play the ball. There are 11 players on a team made up of a goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and forwards (also called strikers). The only player on the field who is allowed to use their feet and hands as well as their stick is the goalkeeper. Probably the key rules differential between field hockey and soccer lies with there being no offside rule in field hockey allowing for an extremely fast, potentially high scoring and exciting game.

Field hockey has been a men’s Olympic sport since the 1908 Olympic Games in London. The women’s game is a recent addition first recognized at the Moscow Olympics in 1980. Field Hockey stages both a men’s and women’s World Cup as well as competitions at other International Games including the Commonwealth Games.  

We are glad you're here.  We are convinced you will love the game as much as we do!

Check Out These videos

NCAA Hockey in Michigan

There are three NCAA field hockey teams in Michigan.  Often refereed to as just "hockey" around the world - In Michigan we have to say field hockey so we aren't confused with one of our state's favorite pastime: ice hockey.  Here are highlight reels from those three programs. 



Amy Kilgore - Director and Head Coach
